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Space Availability - Brighton Memorial Library

Brighton Memorial Library in Rochester, NY features three study rooms for small group use.

  • Fire code states that these spaces can accomodate up to six individuals, but are most comfortable for groups of 3-4. Groups can book study rooms for private use for a maximum of 120 minutes per day, 20 times per month. 
  • Individuals can use the study rooms, but only on a walk-in basis. For special circumstances please call the library, do not reserve online.
  • Please plan to vacate your study room 5 minutes before closing. 
  • If you do not show up on time for your reservation, we will hold the room for approximately 15 minutes, then it may be released and booked for another user. If you are running late and know you will still need the room, please call the library at (585)784-5300. 
  • Each room features a desk affixed to the wall, at which multiple people can sit. None of the rooms have a free floating table that would allow groups to sit around it (see pictures of each study room when you click on the one you'd like to reserve). 
  • Please don't hang hang things on the wall or otherwise manipulate the space. We work hard to keep these spaces looking nice and usable for everyone. 


   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding